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VN was invented to cater for the twenty first century human, needing true universal education. There is a New Human, the Homo Sanctus. Homo Luminous or Lightworker of the 21C and they need real educations. Autism and ADHD are an often-arbitrary spectrum are signs old Psychology can miss the mark. Psychology means study of the Soul, and this can be missing in our Education. The 21C is about Balance, Relationship and Energy in Vibration. It is a Sense and Emotional based Spiritual revolution that can’t be measured by the mindset of the 1900s. There are 9 new life path numbers in the 2000-2099 years – 8 of which not seen for a thousand years and one completely new coming on the 9/9/2999 which is all about vibration – the word of the millennia.

Why Vibrational Numerology?

Here’s 10 reasons:-

  • The 21C human needs an accurate education to match them. Education has two components Educare – to inform and Educere – to bring out. Can you remember the last time a teacher said ‘what would you like to do today?’ The 21C children drag their parents to our Life Matrix banner at Expos- as they feel the universal truth seeded in the matrix, Get them a reading with us and get The Numbers Book 1 to change your destiny. At least download the free PDF.
  • Historically Numerology is based on following Astrology or some other pattern, mystery school, mind, or subjectivism – which are not defined by the source code 0+1, or how the universe really works through a toroidal field of creation.
  • VN follow the Universal Source code 0+1, that defines the I Ching, Astrology and any sincere body of work defining our Nature or path through the cosmos. The zero is nothingness and the 1 Everything that vibrates.
  • The 0+1 are the only factors of source we need understand as a Binary code forces us to look at the many dualities of a conscious infinite source awareness that is nondual. The dualities closest to 0+1 are female/male, chaos/order, yin/yang, right brain/left brain. Without awareness of the zero, historically left out of Numerology we will miss the purpose of the many zeros in the 2000s. It is half of creation – like the responsibility of the womb always being missed after any birth.
  • Words are a superpower, the first thing talked about in the bible and the first rule of the universe. Why does numerology summarily focus on the Names we give our children but not the words we use as Mentalism to create our whole lives? We talk about Mental Health, but statistics show we are not improving it. A VN reading may cover this.
  • In traditional numerology we either focus on the day we are born, the life path number or the name. Why not include all in a triangulated awareness of all three views? In this modality i have come up with world first numbers Lessons 6-9 in Book 2 for the Ego, Soul Spiritual Vibration and Soul Tribe, Helping us get the higher purpose of being alive.
  • It is important to distinguish between Ego and Soul and Lessons 6-9 take Numerology further into this distinction.
  • Life Matrix or Blueprint is the Numerologist’s map and Human Design Template, helping one to strengthen one’s life force and awareness in life. Historically these are 1/9th to at best 50% accurate, as they do not follow the Universal Source Code of life 0+1. Or listen the very numbers explain themselves in 0+9 personalities. Vibrational Numerologies Life Matrix as has a1000 hours at least going into it to make sure it is 100% accurate in terms of giving:- Clear Overall Personality, the two best descriptor words, 18 positive words and 6 negative word and two dualities; for each of the 9 numbers. All done from a countless list of words calculated within modalities like The I Ching, Tarot, Astrology, Human Desing, and basic Psychology. This is a massive point if you get the gravity of this, because with our Life Matrix you will have a Life Map and a GPS that is as close to 100% accurate to guide for your life. There will always be error we have been writing this book since 2019.
  • There is a chapter in Book 1 for every number of the 9 vibrations that the ‘0+1 parents’ create, helping you understand life better. There is possibly the most accurate chapter written on zero in Book 1, after reading 644 quotes and having done extensive research on the zero which of course is half of all creation.
  • Lastly and not least you are learning the most accurate modality on earth ‘Universal Source Math (0+1),’ in a language (think the world at this time) that cannot lie. The art and science of Math measured in Vibration, in Vibrational Numerology,
  • Now don’t get me started on Vibration 🙂

    (c) Kean Buckley March 2024